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| November 10, 2016

E-sales (EET) – application for receipt verification

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Financial Administration introduced a new web application on their website which allows the holder of the receipt to verify whether the record of receipts is done correctly by the retailer. The form can be accessed at – Elektronická evidence tržeb – Ověření účtenky. To verify, the receipt holder must enter the following information: taxpayer’s TIN, date and time of payment (of receipt issuance), sum in CZK and first 16 digits of the verification code. The customer must also choose whether the payment is recorded in the simplified or the regular regime. If the system cannot find the receipt, another form will come up. Into this form the customer can enter more detailed information about the retailer and about what he or she has purchased, helping to identify whether the retailer has made some mistake. Even if the receipt is not found in the system, it doesn’t necessarily have to mean that the retailer is cheating, the problem could also be simply internet not working on retailer’s side. In that case the retailer gets more time to deliver the receipt to the system; 48 hours from the time of issuance if it’s in the regular regime and up to 5 days in the simplified regime.