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| November 30, 2021

Subsidies for photovoltaic systems with/without storage financed from the National Recovery Plan

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The call for photovoltaic systems is financed from the National Recovery Plan, specifically from component 2.3 Transition to cleaner energy sources.

The National Recovery Plan was approved by the European Commission for the Czech Republic on 19 July 2021. The Czech Republic can draw down approximately CZK 180bn from European sources for the period of 2021 to 2026.

The National Recovery Plan is divided into 6 main pillars of support:

  • Digital transformation
  • Education and the labour market
  • Physical infrastructure and green transition
  • Institutions, regulation and support of business in reaction to the COVID
  • Research, development and innovations
  • Health and resilience of the population

What is the aim of the call?

The call is aimed at supporting photovoltaic power plants (PVP) installed on business buildings including shelters (e.g. for cars, construction equipment, material storage, etc.), with a maximum installed capacity of 1 MWp inclusive.

Conversely, PVP installations on residential or family recreation buildings or ground-mounted installations will not be supported.

Who can apply for a subsidy?

The subsidy is open to all businesses, except those fully owned by a public body.

What is the territorial dimension of the call?

Applicants from the entire Czech Republic, including the territory of the capital city of Prague, are eligible.

What is the level of support?

The level of support is calculated according to the installed capacity of the PV plant and the capacity of the battery storage. The aid rate is 35% of eligible costs for PVP and 50% of eligible costs for accumulation outside the capital city of Prague, in Prague the aid for accumulation is reduced to 45% of eligible project costs.

When can applications for support be submitted?

Applications for support can be submitted from 1 December 2021 and the deadline for receipt is 31 May 2021.

In this first call of the National Recovery Plan, the long-awaited simplification of applications for support has been achieved. These are three basic principles:

  • Simplification of the requirements for the technical parameters of the PV plant, where only the technical parameters of the individual components of the PV plant are documented.
  • Simplifying the reporting of eligible project costs based on the size of the installed capacity and battery capacity. At the same time, there is no need to document the project budget and to carry out tenders.
  • Simplification of project administration, where only compliance with the minimum technical requirements of the PV and battery storage components will be assessed.

Grant Thornton Advisory applies a complex and systemic approach in the area of subsidy consulting. We deal with management of the project portfolio from the perspective of possible subsidy opportunities.

Subsidy analysis

At the beginning, there is always a thorough subsidy screening, which will compare the portfolio of the client’s possible projects with the current as well as the expected options for financing. The analysis focuses on Czech as well as European subsidy programmes, as well as on other types of financing (such as for example loans). The analysis is addressed with an agile attitude, with workshops with the client being organised in the meantime, where the options and possible alternatives for how to approach the projects are discussed.

Consultation and monitoring

The subsidy analysis will specify potential projects, priorities and action steps. Subsequent consultations and monitoring according to the specified action steps will be resolved operatively by means of monthly reports according to the needs and schedule of the projects and the subsidy calls.

Submitting an application

At the time of the decision to submit applications for the given project, we will provide complete preparation of the application including supplements, communication with the provider and we will define the necessary cooperation on the part of the client (such as for example the preparation of project documentation, permits, energy assessments etc.)

Subsidy administration

In the case of a successful application, we also offer grant administration services during the project: preparation of change requests, payment requests, implementation reports, communication with the provider and, after project completion, preparation of sustainability reports.

All supported projects must also be addressed from a public procurement perspective. In case of need, it is possible to arrange support in this area as well.

In case you are interested in subsidies or preparing and submitting project applications, we are at your service. Please contact Jiří Dvořák, Senior Manager | Advisory, Infrastructure,