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| August 2, 2021

Children's groups

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The Chamber of Deputies has approved the funding of children's groups from the state budget. The support will be linked to contracts with the parents and will no longer depend on actual attendance, which means that there will be no sanctions in the event of illness and the financial stability of the facility is ensured.

At the same time, the Chamber of Deputies has limited the amount to be paid by parents for childcare, to a maximum of CZK 4.000 per month for children under 3 years of age.

The act also includes the added requirement or obligation to provide professional staff specializing in the medical minimum and the creation of a new professional qualification “nannies in children's groups” accentuating medical training and developmental psychology.

In its opinion on the amendment, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs states that the purpose is to make family life easier, expand the possibilities of combining family and professional life and standardize the quality of childcare. Care for children from six months up to the start of compulsory schooling is thus expected to become more accessible for parents.

The amendment is now waiting for approval from the Senate.